
Choose SovPlym’s Welding Fume Extractor and protect your Welders from Welding Fumes

The process of welding releases a range of harmful airborne particles to which, welders stay exposed throughout their working hours. These particles stay in their lungs for a very long time, and make them vulnerable to occupational diseases, and early retirement. The solution to this concern is the spot extraction of welding fumes during welding. It proves a safe and modern way of protecting welders from the harmful particles. SovPlym manufactures a range of products that facilitate the process of spot extraction of the welding fumes. SovPlym’s Welding Application Products SovPlym is one of the leading manufacturers of industrial products. It includes a broad array of products that enjoy widespread use in welding applications and processes. The company’s range of industrial products features mobile filter units, stationary filters, and vacuum units. The mobile filter unit, for instance, handles fumes, and dust that temporary welding applications generate. Stati

What is a Welding Fume Extractor?

·          A welding fume extractor is equipment to use to remove welding fume generates when working with metals used in welding applications. Metal fume created during the welding process is  harmful  and can have risky long term effects if not properly extracted from the breathing zone. Recently, it's been highlighted that welding fume can be dangerous to all workers on the shop floor. Welding fume extraction equipment offered on our SovPlym India is ideal for all kinds of smaller dust particles and weld fume deletion applications. With a continually rising awareness in the manufacturing industry of the types of health and safety risks for welders and staffs working in the manufacturing, automotive and smaller shop environments, SovPlym India offers many end-user Welding fume extractor . Our products increase indoor air quality and add to protective equipment for welders working indoors and outdoors. Our product portfolio offers solutions to many small & big weld sh

Benefits of investing in portable welding fume extractor systems at a glance

Time and again, the advantages of investing in a welding fume extractor have come into light. The reason is simple – these innovative pieces of machinery allow businesses to keep their workforce from inhaling toxic welding fumes. Inhaling welding fumes have detrimental effects on human health. Furthermore, welding fumes extraction solutions also allow businesses to remain safe. How? Well, by extracting dangerous gases and particulate matter that is highly explosive in nature. By removing these by-products of welding operations from the indoor air, fume extractions solutions can help a business keep: ●        Fires and explosions at bay ●        Improve visibility within the working area of the venture and ●        Ensure a steady supply of fresh air into the working area. If this was not convincing enough for you, please read the following sections where the benefits of investing in fume extractors with extraction arm are enunciated. These help you to provide your w

Welding Fume Extractor: Purposes and Solutions

The welding fume extractor is a valuable partner in all industries in which welding is part of the production process. Welding produces a variety of dust and fumes, most of which are toxic or harmful to human health when removed before exposure to workers to avoid direct exposure. Welding fume extractor: why use it? Welding processes, often employed in many different types of industries, are a mixture of more than fifty chemical compounds of different natures, according to the metal used in the process. Regardless of the metalwork done, fumes are produced in all welding operations that contain powdered metals, that is, microparticles suspended in the air. Taking these particles inside can be very harmful, including shortness of breath and increased risk of cancer. The welding fume extractor interferes with the greater risks of the process, eliminating harmful gases and harmful elements at their source, therefore improving the quality and affordability of the work en